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Performance Fabrics in Sustainable Design

This course aims to help educate the designer about what performance fabrics are, the content of various fabrics, how they work, and the benefits to a sustainable design in meeting and maximizing your goals of occupant health, safety, well-being, and sustainability. Windows, views, and openings in buildings present the classic battle between form and function. The designer naturally wants the building’s occupants to enjoy views and light, but the solar heat gain from these openings can wreak havoc on sustainable goals. Sophisticated and high-performing solar control fabrics can help reconcile the form and function of light, views, and sustainability.

HSW Justification:
Substantially all of this course is dedicated to a discussion of the health, safety and welfare aspects of performance fabrics through their appropriate specification, their fabrics' chemical composition, their proper use, their ability to meet safety and performance standards, and their aesthetic contribution.

Learning Objective 1:
The student will learn how to analyze shading fabrics for solar light management including energy reduction, glare and outward visibility, using published shading coefficient data.

Learning Objective 2:
The student will be able to list certification requirements for indoor air quality, anti-bacterial protection, flame retardancy, and environmental regulations.

Learning Objective 3:
The student will be able to identify fabric composition options with an emphasis on sustainable design.

Learning Objective 4:
The student will be able to apply their knowledge of performance fabric features to unique, real-world applications in healthcare, hospitality, government, business, and residential projects.

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The Implications of Light Pollution and the Impact of IDA

This course will discuss light pollution and its relation to the International Dark-Sky Association. After taking this course, individuals will know the impacts of light pollution as well as the difference between IDA and non-IDA lighting.

At the end of this course, participants will learn:

  1. To define IDA, light pollution, and related terms
  2. To identify the impacts of light pollution
  3. To demonstrate the difference between IDA and non-IDA lighting
  4. To assess the process of establishing IDA certification
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Designing Beautiful High-Performance Building Envelopes

The building envelope has a lot of different jobs to do—from insulating the building so that it can be efficiently heated and cooled to providing air and water barriers that keep harmful moisture at bay, as well as providing the aesthetic face of the project. High performance building envelopes do all of those things extremely well. This article explores some of the latest high-performance solutions that can be used to create those high-performance envelopes.

HSW Justification:
A high-performance building envelope is necessary to create a building that is efficient and healthy. This article takes a look at how different components in the building envelope perform—giving architects the information they need to choose high-performance components that will produce a high-performing envelope.

Learning Objective 1:
Compare different types of continuous insulation in terms of the thermal performance they offer and the way they behave when exposed to water and fire.

Learning Objective 2:
Describe how insulated metal panels (IMPs) can be used on the envelope to improve building performance, create efficient and healthy interiors, and enhance design flexibility.

Learning Objective 3:
Explain how PET bottles can be upcycled into insulation creating a new product that contains recycled material and improves thermal performance of the building envelope.

Learning Objective 4:
Describe the ways that architectural metal wall systems enable architects to push the creative boundaries of their designs.

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Reducing Fire Risk at the Perimeter of High Rise Structures

High rise fires are not new to us. In fact, we have seen an increase in fire incidents in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East in the last 5-10 years that have amplified awareness on fire safety performance of taller structures. High rise buildings present a greater risk with an increased number of occupants that have a limited means of escape in the event of a fire. That is why the time element for containing a fire is so critical. Also, as we have seen in actual fires, vertical fire spread at the exterior façade can rapidly overwhelm fire fighters means of interceding the fire from ground level. As the fire accelerates and upward spread progresses, it often reaches a height beyond the reach of fire services water streams. That is why containing a fire and preventing it from spreading vertically is so critical for both occupant and first responder safety.

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Composite Panel Products – Division 6 Materials & LEED® Credits

This course will equip participants to compare features, benefits and limitations of particleboard and medium density fiberboard (MDF) with considerations of product grades and their physical properties for proper end-use selection.

Learning Objective 1:
To help students understand the health benefits of composite products and how testing is an essential means to verify performance.

Learning Objective 2:
To explain to attendees the alternative resin technologies used in the manufacturing process.

Learning Objective 3:
To help students to become familiar with various composite panel products and their environmentally-friendly make-up.

Learning Objective 4:
To familiarize attendees with the variety of ways that composite panels contribute to LEED credits.

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Improving Water Conservation in High-Performance Buildings

This course recognizes the flush toilet as one of the biggest users of water and discusses how toilet design is pushing flush technology to develop ways for homes and commercial buildings to conserve water without sacrificing the performance of the toilet. Industry testing protocols and the water-saving capabilities of different technologies are evaluated. Today—as climate change, population growth, and record droughts present an unprecedented strain on our water supply—conservation technology is building awareness to the importance of having the most water-efficient fixtures in a home or business.

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The 60-Minute MBA for Design Professionals

In this session, we will learn the fundamentals of all successful AE firms and provide the basis for making well-grounded business decisions. We will learn how firms can transition from being professionals providing services, to highly tuned businesses that can identify the needs of the marketplace and create services and products that are appropriately priced and yield consistent and greater profits.

Rather than seeking out new projects that merely build upon your current skills, you will start from a business-thinking mindset, where processes that are critical to building a thriving firm are examined and constituted in your firm. We will explore the importance of data within an architect firm and demonstrate how careful collection and interpretation can lead your firm into more exciting and profitable territory.

Following are the course's Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify why a “business-thinking” mindset is of utmost importance for service professionals
  2. Explain best practices for implementing a metrics-oriented leadership system
  3. Summarize how data-based performance management drives smarter business decisions
  4. Analyze how profitability drives growth rather than being merely a result
  5. Reframe your firm as a platform that enables you to achieve your business and personal goals
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Create Safer, Healthier, and Better Sounding Interiors


Program: Architecture, Design and Building Science

This course explores a few of the many ways that interiors impact the health and well-being of the people inside them. From restrooms being designed to reduce contact with contaminated surfaces and inhibit the presence of bacteria, to acoustics solutions that absorb or isolate noise, making interiors more comfortable and productive. Biophilic design, a health-focused design concept that encourages the inclusion of plants, daylight, and natural elements like wood and stone, is also discussed, as are the options designers have for bringing stone elements inside.

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How Wallcoverings with PVF Film Contribute  to Healthier and More Attractive Buildings

This course will cover the aesthetic, design, health, safety and welfare aspects of, and certifications achieved by wallcoverings laminated with DuPont™ Tedlar® polyvinyl fluoride film. Because Dupont™ is the only source for Tedlar® film there is no comparable competitive product in the market place. Therefore, we will be referring to the product from time to time by using its registered trademark brand name, Tedlar®.

HSW Justification:
Tedlar PVF film is applied to wallcovering to prevent off-gassing of building materials behind the wall. The film also is repeatedly and frequently cleanable without damage or deterioration. It does not support the growth o=f microorganisms, mold or mildew and is therefore excennent in restaurant and hospital settings. Additionally, the film is impossible to permanently stain. Stains wipe off with ease. Learning objectives cite additional HSW benefits.

Learning Objective 1:
The architect will recognize the aesthetic and design advantages of using PVF film on wallcoverings and architectural surfaces.

Learning Objective 2:
The architect will understand the health and safety advantages of using PVF film wallcoverings in occupied spaces.

Learning Objective 3:
The architect will be able to identify appropriate interior and exterior applications for wallcoverings protected by PVF film.

Learning Objective 4:
And, the architect will understand the ratings and certifications achieved by Tedlar® laminated wallcoverings.

Because Dupont™ is the only source for Tedlar® film there is no comparable competitive product in the market place. Therefore, we will be referring to the product from time to time by using its registered trademark brand name, Tedlar®.

Owing to the unique nature of this product, an architectural specification describing the PVF film known as Tedlar®. You will need to download this document to begin the course. At least one of the concluding quiz questions is based on this supplemental material.

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Leveraging Advances in Parametric Design & Digital Fabrication in Architecture

This course will explore the cutting-edge union of design and technology by delving into parametric design and its symbiosis with digital fabrication, and how the vision is best achieved via vertically-integrated, technology-forward product manufacturers. We will also discuss strategies for effective collaboration with these manufacturers throughout the architectural design process.

Learning Objective 1:
Students will learn about the use of parametric design in architecture, including its definition, history and current state.

Learning Objective 2:
Students will learn about the marriage between parametric design and digital fabrication.

Learning Objective 3:
Students will understand why vertical integration is an important operating model for product manufacturers looking to leverage parametric design.

Learning Objective 4:
Students will understand how to partner with vertical manufacturers throughout the architectural design process and learn the advantages of this digital collaborative approach.

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